5. Game Features
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At the start, players choose what faction they want to be a part of.
These are:
● Musketeers - 5% efficiency boost during raids.
● Amazonians - 5% discount on Shop items. Get 1 extra item per Shop visit.
● Bynans - 5% efficiency boost during mining.
● Jackknights - Get one extra dice reroll per day.
● Zuckarians - Get upgrades 5% faster
The Player
Players start by establishing a personal base in one of the tiles within their faction. This can be considered their HQ, where they’ll upgrade their collection. When a player from an enemy faction lands on a player’s tile, they’ll have the option to invade their HQ for resources. Players have to defend their HQ weekly, and if they do, they’ll get to keep their loot for the week and get more every week.
Players roll a six-sided dice every 6 hours to determine where their avatar will move next. Where they land determines their next action. Throughout the game, players can collect heroes and loot to boost their stats and become stronger.
Players can access mining once a week from their HQ or by landing on mines owned by other players. In either case, mining will be available for a 2 hour window, during which players can conduct up to 3 mining sessions.
Players earn rewards from mining by attacking valuable mineral deposits and by fighting wild monsters that spawn inside to interrupt their mining efforts.
Mining sessions are graded on a 3-star scale. The higher the star rate, the bigger the rewards. Mining sessions have a fixed 5 minute timer, but this time window can be extended by boosting a character’s PREP trait.
Players can invade an enemy player’s HQ if they land on a Player Mine on the board. They’ll have 2 hours to attack up to 3 different HQ’s (or the same one 3 different times) in 5-minute sessions. This time window can be extended by boosting a character’s PREP trait.
The invading player’s goal is to deal as much damage as possible to the enemy’s mine and, if possible, defeat the defending party. When this happens, the invading player will earn rewards in full. Otherwise, they’ll earn rewards relative to the damage dealt. Invasions last 5-minutes sessions, but can end sooner if the defending party is defeated.